Gold Prices Gain In Asia As Investors Stake Positions On Inflation Views - Gold prices edged higher in Asia on Thursday with the ongoing debate about inflation prospects in the year ahead driving sentiment. Overnight, gold prices fell on Wednesday after the dollar moved off intraday lows on signs that fourth quarter economic growth remained solid, cementing investor expectations that the Federal Reserve will raised rates for the third time this year in December. A duo of reports on retail sales and inflation lifted the dollar off lows, pressuring gold prices to retreat from highs as the precious metal remained on track to post a loss for the first time this week. The uptick retail sales suggested that consumption growth in the fourth quarter remained solid, further strengthening the narrative of an improving US economy. That cemented expectations for a year-end rate hike as investing.com’s fed rate monitor tool showed 100% of traders expect the Federal Reserve to raise rates in December.
【Blockbuster】 China Hongqiao Considering to Transfer Aluminium Plants
Abroad - Zhang Bo, CEO of China HOngqiao
Group says, because of China’s supply-side reform, the company has closed all
aluminium plants required by local governments. It is also considering to
remove its closed smelting plants to other countries foe restarting. Currently
speaking, Indonesia is the first chioce.
Oil Prices rebound Slightly In Asia With Venezuela Debt In Focus - Crude
oil prices edged up in Asia on Thursday as investors saw a recent sell-off
overdone and continued to monitor declining production from OPEC member
Venezuela as it reels from a debt and inflation crisis.Eurasia Group said that
a default by Venezuela and its state-owned oil company remains highly likely.
"Predicting the precise timing of a default is difficult, as the
government seems prepared to keep paying while it can," Eurasia Group said
in a report. "But if talks falter and it becomes apparent that it doesn’t
have options, the government’s calculations may end up being shaped by
electoral timing. (President Nicholas) Maduro is considering moving up the
presidential election (due by end-2018) to March of next year, and the debt
service profile is relatively light before then (the government owes a total of
$1 billion in the first quarter between PDVSA and the sovereign) with bulkier
payments due in April, August, and October." Overnight, crude oil settled
lower for the third day amid ongoing concerns over rising US output and build
in crude stockpiles for the second week in row. Inventories of U.S. crude rose
by roughly 1.9 million barrels for the week ended Nov. 11, missing expectations
of a draw of 2.2 barrels.

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CapitalStars Investment Adviser: SEBI Registration Number: INA000001647
CapitalStars Investment Adviser: SEBI Registration Number: INA000001647
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